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Where are you located?

A: We are located in Naples, Florida, approximately two hours west of Miami and three hours south of  Tampa. Give us a call if you’d like to stop by. We’d love to give you a tour of our showroom and facilities!

What is O3?

A: Simply stated, O3 is the normal oxygen that we breathe with one extra oxygen atom added to it to create one of the world’s strongest and most healthy all-natural sanitizers.  O3’s very high sanitizing potential and solubility in water makes it perfect at killing microorganisms; O3 is 1.5 times more powerful than Chlorine and acts 3,125 times faster than chlorine when used as a sanitizer.

Is O3 natural?

A: Yes.  O3 is found naturally in our world and is around all of us every day, doing its job by helping to keep the earth cleaned and is naturally produced by UV rays from the sun and even by lightning during our afternoon Florida thunderstorms.

Can I use O3 as an air freshener?

A:  O3 Hygienics supports the use of O3 for the purification of water, sanitization of surfaces and odor removal.  It is not recommended as a replacement for your air freshening sprays such as Lysol, Fabreeze, Glade, or other similar products.

Will O3 remove the sulfur smell from my water?

A:  Yes.  O3 is highly effective at removing sulfur and many more harmful contaminants from your water safely and without chemical.