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 Bring Us Your Water, We Will Show You How We Are Revolutionizing Water Treatment.

O3 Hygienics specializes in the Treatment and Purification of Water.   Utilizing our proprietary patented technology, our Systems deactivate and remove contaminants and odors that your current Water Treatment and Purification program does not. Our solution is incomparable to any other system on the market.

Unlike other Water Treatment Systems that use chemicals or filtration to partially remove contaminants and odors from your water, O3 Hygienics Systems naturally, safely and completely deactivate and removes more than 4000 chemicals, contaminants and odors from your water supply, leaving you with Pure Clean Bottled Water Quality Water for drinking, cooking, bathing, laundry, and all your household uses.

O3 Hygienics Systems are equally effective on City water with or without a water softener and Well Water with or without reverse osmosis.  Bring your water to us.  Whatever contaminants or odors your current Water Treatment and Purification system has left behind, our testing process will detect those elements and lead us to a customized solution to permanently improve the purity of your water supply.